On a mission of effective change through discourse and reflection.

The microcosm reflects itself in the macrocosm.

The macrocosm recognizes itself in the microcosm.

Systems can emerge out of relationships that have codified over time. Sometimes these relationships are between people, groups, or between ideas and people.  Success is more generative and sustainable, when people are clear with themselves and others about their ambitions & what they hope to protect. In this way, the road to effective change can be through intentional & authentic relationship building.

There are four questions that guide the work:

  1. How do relationships develop between people & ideas?
  2. How does identity (race,  gender, culture, etc…) inform those relationships?
  3. How does power generate or restrict change?
  4.  What learning is needed to help an organization skillfully practice reflection and discourse?

What does an ideal client look like? 

  • Team or organizations that enjoy building systems through relationships.
  • Teams or organizations that pay close attention and significant energy to the culture in their organization.
  • Teams or organizations that see value in being critical of their culture.
  • Teams or organizations that see value in being critical of their systems for the benefit of culture.
Clients who could benefit from the challenge of reflective discourse.
  • Teams or organizations that have low stamina for ambiguity.
  • Conformity is a strength of the organization.
  • Teams or organizations that feel stuck in patterns of behavior, outcomes, challenges, or decision-making (power imbalances).
  • Teams or organizations that need help with culturally complex communication dynamics. 
  • Teams or organizations who could benefit from reflective tools for managing people in organizations & communities.


